I did the 28 days discover Bangladesh tour in January 2020. I’ve visited more then 100 countries and Bangladesh has to be in the top five of countries I’ve visited.
It’s a shame that more people haven’t discovered this wonderful country, the scenery is beautiful, the people are outstanding, and the history is amazing.
Just one example, my first night In the hotel, I asked where was a good place to eat, one of the young men walked me to a wonderful restaurant. I remember so many other acts of kindness.
Mr. Hasan, the owner of Nijhoom tours, is a wonderful person to work with. He made sure we had a wonderful tour with a good English speaking guide.
I highly recommend Nijhoom Tours, and please go before the country gets overrun with tourists and believe when Bangladesh “gets discovered”, it will be the hot spot to visit.

Visiting a river island in Bangladesh. ©Photo Credit: Faisal Mahmud